Getting started with CREON

As you start out on CREON, use the Treatment Tracker to track the first few weeks of therapy. If you’re experiencing any symptoms, call your doctor and schedule a follow-up in-person or telehealth appointment. Share your Treatment Tracker results with your doctor and discuss how your current treatment plan is going. Your doctor may decide to adjust your dose based on your symptoms, diet, and other factors.

What to expect when you start taking CREON

Starting CREON is the beginning of a journey. You may notice changes in your digestive symptoms from the first dose onward. Here’s what to expect as you start treatment.

  1. Week 1
    You're beginning a new habit by taking CREON every time you eat. So, you’ll have to plan ahead to ensure you have a dose with you everywhere for every meal and snack. It's important to track your symptoms and share them with your doctor.
  2. Month 1
    By now, taking CREON is starting to feel routine. It’s important at this stage to keep tracking your symptoms, as you eat a variety of foods. Doing so will help your doctor prescribe the precise CREON dose for you.
  3. Month 3
    Many patients will have settled into the CREON dose that is right for them. It’s still important to record any changes in your symptoms and share them with your doctor. Because everyone’s treatment journey is unique, some patients and their doctors may still be discovering the right dose. If this is you, try not to get discouraged and keep on tracking your symptoms and following up with your doctor.

Follow these simple steps to help keep you on course with treatment

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Take CREON with every meal and snack

Whether it’s a full meal or a snack, take CREON every time you eat. Remember to follow your treatment plan closely and take CREON exactly as prescribed. If you miss a dose, don’t double up; just take it with your next meal or snack.

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Remember to take CREON with you on the go

Plan ahead for when you’re on the go by keeping CREON in your purse, backpack, or at your work desk. Just remember to store CREON in a cool, dry place.

Talk about your symptoms with your doctor

Keep track of any gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms you have after eating and discuss them with your doctor. Your doctor may need to adjust your dose.

I take CREON any time I eat. My dose is larger for a meal vs a small snack. Taking CREON easily fits in my schedule as I just think of it as part of my meals now.

- Vanessa J. EPI patient

3 tips to make your treatment part of your routine

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Set follow-up appointments

It’s important to see your doctor regularly, especially at the start of treatment. Consider making all your follow-up appointments ahead of time, so you don’t miss an important check-up.

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Try a mnemonic device

Remembering to take CREON every time you eat is a challenge when you first start treatment. You might try creating some kind of mnemonic device, such as a rhyme or repetition (eg "Take CREON everywhere for every meal and every snack") that helps you remember your medication.

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Automate your CREON refills

Many pharmacies have tools, such as smartphone apps and text messages that initiate refills automatically. Using these helps ensure that you always have CREON when you need it.

Your quick guide to EPI and CREON

It may seem like there's a lot to learn about EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) and CREON, but this brochure can help you navigate a variety of topics and provide you with the answers you need as you're starting treatment.

Answers to frequently asked questions

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Supporting you every step of the way

CREON’s patient support programs offer financial savings, multivitamins, and educational resources.