What is CREON?

CREON (pancrelipase) is a pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) used to treat people who cannot digest food normally. Taken as prescribed, CREON replaces enzymes that your pancreas isn't releasing, helping you digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates (sugars) in food.

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Over 1 million EPI patients have been prescribed CREON

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CREON is the #1
prescribed EPI treatment

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More than 8 out of 10 gastroenterologists (GEs) prescribe CREON more than other PERTs*

*Per Jan ‘23–Dec ’23 analysis of 12,715 GEs from Subnational XPO. 82% of surveyed GEs had >50% of their PERT prescriptions filled as CREON.

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How should I take CREON?

If your doctor prescribes you CREON, they will choose a dose that is specific for you, based on factors like your body weight and your diet—so make sure you take CREON exactly as your doctor tells you.

Take it. Track it. Talk about it.

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Take CREON every time you eat

Take CREON every time you eat, whether it’s a full meal or snack. Don’t forget to take CREON with you when you’re on the go—especially when you’re eating out. Always take CREON with enough liquid to swallow your dose without crushing or chewing it.

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Track your diet and symptoms

Keep track of what you are eating and how you are feeling. Tracking your diet and symptoms will help your doctor determine if your CREON dose needs to be adjusted. Get started with the Treatment Tracker.

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Talk with your doctor

Communicate with your doctor and care team regularly and share how you’re feeling. It’s important to schedule follow-up visits, either via telehealth or in person to maintain an ongoing conversation about your symptoms.

Answer this question so we can help you find what you're looking for:

How long have you been taking CREON?

You answered Less than 1 month

Get tools and tips to help you start and stay on track with your CREON treatment plan.

Discover what CREON is doing inside your body after you take it.

You answered 1 – 3 months

Record your treatment progress and daily routine using the Treatment Tracker.

CREON Complete offers support and resources for your treatment journey.

You answered over 3 months

CREON Complete offers support and resources for your treatment journey.

Learn how healthy eating, vitamins and supplements, and lifestyle changes can help you manage your EPI.

You answered Not currently prescribed CREON

Take the EPI Symptom Quiz or download a discussion guide to help track your symptoms.

EPI is a condition that occurs when the pancreas doesn’t make enough digestive enzymes.

- CAMILLE E. EPI patient

My life has changed since being diagnosed with EPI, but it has not stopped me from living. I still watch what I eat and have a healthy, balanced diet and take my CREON.

Your quick guide to EPI and CREON

It may seem like there's a lot to learn about EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) and CREON, but this brochure can help you navigate different topics and provide you with the answers you need as you're starting treatment.

Answers to frequently asked questions

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How CREON works

CREON replaces digestive enzymes that your pancreas normally produces, helping you break down your food.